The list of the recently translationed terms from English to French can be found below. Click a word to see how it translates to French.
Dictionary - a -
- audible
- astigmatism
- acropolis
- auditor
- ambience
- antibiotic
- associate
- ambulatory
- ambrosia
- admonish
- antacid
- avocational
- ally
- allied
- ambassador
- allah
- activation
- awesomeness
- avuncular
- acaricide
- asthenic
- aviary
- arrogant
- alone
- ahead
- attire
- apartness
- abnegation
- amity
- ah
- althorn
- anchor
- antiphony
- anchorite
- antsy
- audit
- almost
- accost
- attitudinizing
- apple
- acne
- anthroposophy
- approachable
- ant
- arboretum
- alumni
- anacoluthon
- ascend
- ambrosial
- annoyed
- assumably
- aloha
- ameliorative
- auricle
- ambivert
- auspiciousness
- auspicious
- appetitive
- actionability
- are
- auditory
- appease
- asepsis
- ablated
- ash
- afterimage
- aquaplaning
- antihero
- antiquarianism
- absentee
- aubade
- anchoress
- arcane
- amphibology
- alpenglow
- autobiographer