The list of the recently translationed terms from Arabic to English can be found below. Click a word to see how it translates to English.
Dictionary - m -
- masbot
- miya
- maiden
- must
- masool
- mobility
- motherless
- matchless
- mystique
- moolah
- metis
- mulch
- man
- masul
- mafrood
- maahool
- mashool
- mudeer
- moderator
- manschoud
- mazool
- masood
- masbut
- misconduct
- masaba
- mudheer
- minion
- muss
- meanie
- miyamiya
- mandoop
- mahsool
- matqal
- maswool
- mujtahid
- masol
- masochist
- manager
- masdal
- masbout
- masooul
- mystic
- mafroud
- masboot
- masnool
- manicure
- malamute