The list of the recently translationed terms from English to Arabic can be found below. Click a word to see how it translates to Arabic.
Dictionary - d -
- desponded
- despondent
- diversity
- dismayed
- doggone
- disruptive
- devilish
- doughy
- drama
- doorstep
- donkey
- dazzle
- duet
- daisy
- drawing
- dryness
- dust
- dude
- drought
- dire
- diva
- deaf
- distillation
- donate
- divergent
- drowning
- drawn
- d
- dilation
- door
- desk
- digression
- deducilita
- depressed
- defeat
- dibasic
- doorbell
- deformed
- dinosaur
- disclose
- disturbed
- donna
- disciple
- delivery
- deposition
- drove
- disturb
- dragon
- diagram
- dynamite
- dissimulation
- drum
- drone
- derrick
- destiny
- dreamy
- dope
- deathblow
- drip
- drop
- durability
- defualt
- default
- distraught
- director
- dune
- ditsy
- decency
- dusk
- drained
- doubtable
- devious
- dashing
- damn
- decent
- deli
- dispatcher
- dispatch
- disrespectful
- dream
- domiciliary
- devitalizing
- dextran
- deputy
- dorm
- delightful
- disengaged
- discount
- disbelie
- delicacy
- ducts
- dysentery
- disbelief
- drafting
- demonstration
- dash
- destinations
- details
- doomsday
- dynamism
- database
- department
- dictate
- direct
- deer
- dynamically
- divestment
- dignitary
- dealings
- diversified
- distinction
- diplomacy
- directorships
- do
- decoration
- devoted
- devote
- delusional
- deliver
- define
- dumbwaiter
- dowdy
- drugs
- deathbed
- disability
- displacement
- delegations
- deluxe
- deposit
- delight
- dynasty
- deal
- device
- dysfunction
- dosha
- dormitory
- disclaimer
- diner
- disease
- discerning
- diverge
- distal
- debilitating
- deferred
- dodgy
- dirty
- durational
- discouragement
- designation
- desperation
- depersonalisation
- detain
- disorganisation
- denial
- detailing
- doxology
- dogged
- dignifying
- dealt
- decadence
- desires
- drops
- doubloon
- domes
- desirous
- demonym
- dauntless
- deter
- driftwood
- dimple
- detergeny
- detergent
- dome
- dimpled
- drusens
- dim
- dreamland
- docket
- dipth
- dominate
- dealer
- diploma
- dialogue
- dog
- dedication
- dare
- discretionary
- dacoit
- declamation
- dysarthria
- dewdrop
- dentifrice
- defectives
- defective
- discretion
- dull
- dissimilation
- duffel
- dip
- deadlock
- discipline
- disbursement
- deserts
- daydreaming
- defy
- dilatant
- desolation
- derby
- doorpost
- dues
- dignity
- dependants
- deranged
- dashbord
- dashboard
- dragons
- divertify
- diversify
- deeming
- desex
- deified
- diaphoresis
- dismal
- dick
- duchess
- donee
- dimensions
- dramatize
- dramatic
- depict
- disgusted
- debating
- douchebag
- dining
- dissipative
- diathesis
- drainage
- disrobe
- daring
- deadeye
- duodenum
- dessert
- delusions
- desert
- diseased
- delineate
- disphasia
- dynamic
- drifter
- demonstrable