The list of the recently translationed terms from English to Dutch can be found below. Click a word to see how it translates to Dutch.
Dictionary - l -
- lipstick
- lovemaking
- lout
- lathe
- lofting
- loop
- luscious
- loquat
- liking
- leery
- lithic
- lumen
- letter
- lodger
- luminaries
- lattice
- limonite
- lanyard
- lessee
- latency
- lumbago
- lei
- leukorrhea
- lactate
- lect
- lotion
- lugubrious
- leprechaun
- lineaments
- liquefactive
- lazy
- lentil
- lonely
- languid
- lover
- lemur
- lizard
- lightweight
- lioness
- ligament
- lunkhead
- legalism
- lollygagging
- legalist
- luminizer
- luminize
- luminise
- luminiser
- locket
- limerence
- likable
- licentiousness
- lilac
- lake
- likewise
- leakage
- led
- legit
- lunch
- lupus
- lowbrow
- ladyfinger
- loblolly
- leafy
- legendary
- lenitive
- lockout
- loner
- lamia
- labour
- like