The list of the recently translationed terms from English to Dutch can be found below. Click a word to see how it translates to Dutch.
Dictionary - n -
- nurture
- nugget
- nook
- naturalization
- numbers
- nostalgic
- nonagon
- naysayer
- natal
- noon
- nothingness
- nutmeg
- nothing
- negotiable
- nursemaid
- nematode
- nepotism
- noodles
- nonillion
- nutate
- nominative
- nondenominational
- negro
- no
- nurse
- neuropsychiatrist
- neutralizer
- naggy
- nightmare
- niceness
- numinous
- nuzzling
- notifier
- nectarine
- nuclide
- nevus
- nuisance
- nymphomaniac
- nick
- nudist
- noddy
- nincompoop
- naris