The list of the recently translationed terms from English to Dutch can be found below. Click a word to see how it translates to Dutch.
Dictionary - u -
- utility
- uncle
- unrighteousness
- unadjusted
- uncanny
- underground
- unorthodox
- unfulfilling
- upthrust
- unswayed
- unrealized
- unmistakably
- unsatisfied
- unacquaintedness
- updraft
- uppity
- unlovable
- undertow
- uterus
- upstart
- unhallowed
- unimpressed
- unrevealed
- uncompressed
- uncial
- unctuous
- unappreciated
- undefeated
- unscreened
- unascertained
- usefulness
- unoriginal
- unimaginative
- unprosperous
- ugly
- understudy
- upcurrent