The list of the recently translationed terms from English to French can be found below. Click a word to see how it translates to French.
Dictionary - i -
- issuing
- intake
- incubator
- imminence
- interject
- intelligent
- intelligently
- illiterate
- invitingly
- infantry
- intimidator
- inhalant
- intentness
- inamorato
- invisible
- intimacy
- insolate
- impasto
- intone
- innovation
- indictable
- icarly
- incestuousness
- inamorata
- irony
- investigator
- information
- infinite
- induction
- infinity
- illuminate
- incomplete
- ingredients
- irrefutably
- intensity
- idealized
- interceder
- incumbent
- iritis
- islet
- impermanence
- improve
- impetigo
- illumine
- industrialism
- interpretational
- intellectual
- inhumanly
- inarch
- indent
- indirection
- insensate
- inlay
- incest
- inurement
- imitation
- intactness
- innateness
- interpleader
- irregardless
- impellar
- impersonating
- itemization
- impassive
- intervener
- impecuniousness
- ironsmith
- impervious
- ishu
- indurated