The list of the recently translationed terms from English to French can be found below. Click a word to see how it translates to French.
Dictionary - l -
- love
- lineage
- late
- livestock
- low
- llama
- locker
- loudspeaker
- laving
- life
- lustrous
- leering
- lynx
- lesbian
- lion
- lightning
- loquat
- loafer
- lioness
- lingering
- loafing
- lectionary
- limitless
- languishment
- ladylike
- libertarian
- ladybug
- lunchroom
- luxuriousness
- laconism
- loving
- leviathan
- loblolly
- loaded
- lark
- leeriness
- loomed
- literati
- luckiness
- lonesome
- lozenge
- leatherworker
- lowlife
- leaven
- lastingly
- lust
- leaderless
- leader
- liverwort
- lenient
- loge
- litterbug
- le
- look
- loon
- liverwurst
- legacy
- locket
- lame
- lolly
- lama
- limewater
- leftovers
- lithograph
- lime
- large
- logwood