The list of the recently translationed terms from English to French can be found below. Click a word to see how it translates to French.
Dictionary - n -
- notice
- nebulizer
- noisy
- nympho
- necklace
- nantes
- northwestern
- nymphomaniac
- network
- nature
- nubby
- noddle
- nutate
- nozzle
- natal
- needleworker
- notwithstanding
- nothingness
- nudnik
- nearness
- nicker
- nymphet
- naphthalene
- noon
- nine
- noddy
- nenes
- newscast
- nincompoop
- nettlesome
- nudist
- noisemaker
- neuropsychiatrist
- negotiability
- nice
- nonagon
- negativistic
- nigger
- nostrils
- nymphae
- noodles
- namesake
- nails
- numen
- nurturer