The list of the recently translationed terms from English to German can be found below. Click a word to see how it translates to German.
Dictionary - a -
- afraid
- apart
- aim
- allah
- absentminded
- alacrity
- acaricide
- alcove
- alone
- almighty
- antifriction
- archer
- ay
- aside
- anchor
- arbor
- agrarianism
- animality
- anchorite
- attitude
- apprehension
- aye
- a
- almost
- artillery
- affluence
- arogand
- apple
- anvil
- acne
- arboretum
- abattoir
- ambivert
- attendants
- arbitrage
- adulated
- accepting
- admirable
- aqualung
- arcade
- again
- arrow
- attribute
- attributes
- annealing
- ancillary
- anneal
- aliquot
- amen
- asp
- amputee