The list of the recently translationed terms from English to German can be found below. Click a word to see how it translates to German.
Dictionary - c -
- cleavage
- cryolite
- consignee
- curtsy
- chera
- corker
- copy
- crocked
- comfort
- cantrip
- colorimetry
- cursory
- cement
- colitis
- cyanotype
- cupping
- cacogenic
- cotton
- creditable
- cool
- coyote
- calrop
- caltrop
- cut
- chesterfield
- countermark
- comics
- choline
- conjure
- censer
- cherry
- clout
- cade
- chilblain
- chicken
- conceivability
- cutie
- complacent
- complacency
- cousin
- clown
- creepy
- creep
- curfew
- copilot
- covn
- coil
- carport
- circumradius
- caos
- chaos
- cupcake
- cruiser
- conception
- constitution
- cephalalgia
- costochondritis
- carp
- conservative
- crab
- chic
- cherub
- corns
- chiropractor
- comfortable