The list of the recently translationed terms from English to German can be found below. Click a word to see how it translates to German.
Dictionary - m -
- monarchy
- monochrome
- maniac
- mystified
- minatory
- modern
- millipede
- misshapen
- methodical
- mermaid
- mitigator
- mousey
- midstream
- motherland
- mirage
- molders
- magnet
- misbehaving
- midwinter
- masterbate
- massive
- money
- merriment
- muskellunge
- march
- molder
- mast
- misery
- mindfulness
- marksman
- mixologist
- mask
- mom
- margarine
- maul
- moorland
- motorcycle
- momentum
- mockingbird
- my
- misinformed