The list of the recently translationed terms from English to Italian can be found below. Click a word to see how it translates to Italian.
Dictionary - b -
- beautiful
- blind
- bittersweet
- brat
- bonanza
- best
- baks
- beaks
- bone
- balls
- breasts
- buzzing
- burlesque
- blandishments
- bandage
- bed
- bucko
- bellhop
- beggar
- bhoudnk
- bank
- building
- bay
- bayou
- bereavement
- bursitis
- bulldozer
- buzz
- beholder
- backwash
- buddy
- blessed
- bellwether
- baby
- bract
- backstabbing
- botheration
- birdhouse
- boutique
- bioluminescence
- bv
- boggle
- blague
- billionaire
- bushwa
- boardinghouse
- betrayer
- blancmange
- butterfly
- bitter
- bubbly
- boobs
- benediction