The list of the recently translationed terms from English to Italian can be found below. Click a word to see how it translates to Italian.
Dictionary - p -
- poke
- pivotal
- pervious
- porous
- prudent
- pout
- popover
- please
- prancer
- poison
- pressed
- punzonatura
- palace
- porcellan
- pudenda
- pierce
- prevailing
- peeling
- pollard
- polecat
- precious
- pilgrim
- postman
- playmate
- player
- persistency
- perplexing
- pale
- pigsty
- plessure
- purified
- procrastinator
- prepossessing
- pussy
- placeman
- puff
- police
- prayers
- peripeteia
- predator
- puffin
- purism
- purposefulness
- pug
- pith
- professorship
- persuadable
- playroom
- provenience
- poser
- puzzled
- plowman
- pleader
- provider
- pregnant
- psychotic
- predetermination
- provocation
- ponderous
- prejudging
- prancing
- peanut
- pining
- papoose