The list of the recently translationed terms from English to Norwegian can be found below. Click a word to see how it translates to Norwegian.
Dictionary - u -
- unmarried
- unruly
- underground
- unwavering
- urinal
- utilities
- undomesticated
- unity
- uxorious
- unicameral
- unblock
- unsuffusing
- unworldly
- umbrage
- unappetizing
- undetermined
- underfoot
- unwanted
- uptown
- underscore
- unanswerable
- universe
- utensils
- upheaval
- unfaithful
- unctuous
- uncountable
- uncommitted
- unfeasible
- untidiness
- uncircumcised
- unmelted
- uteley
- unicorn
- unparalleled
- uproarious
- unworthy
- utlilities
- usually
- upperdog
- unresponsiveness
- unlatching
- untroubled
- unforgiving
- undercover
- unguarded
- unvanquished
- uterine
- unexperienced
- unforgotten
- unnecessary
- unidirectional
- undergraduate
- understood
- uplands
- utensil
- unkind
- unrequited
- usurpations
- uprising
- unchaperoned
- udyr
- unmourned
- unexcelled
- uppercut
- unremorseful
- uneasy
- ulna
- unfathomable
- uppity
- unmindful
- unsoiled
- unhopeful