The list of the recently translationed terms from English to Persian can be found below. Click a word to see how it translates to Persian.
Dictionary - g -
- gall
- grit
- grapevine
- greedy
- grin
- grazing
- grszing
- go
- grazinghi
- grain
- glands
- gnarly
- graceful
- guava
- gay
- glacial
- gently
- grooming
- grasshopper
- gizzard
- giftware
- gigolo
- gum
- ghoul
- govern
- geophysics
- gloating
- guinea
- goat
- goblin
- gold
- goal
- gravy
- gorgeous
- gook
- glitter
- gumbo
- golem
- gusta
- grassland
- genuinely
- gluttony
- giant
- goofy
- glue
- goddamn
- grandchildren
- groping
- gnawing
- granddaughter
- granny
- gothic
- grace
- genius
- gastrectomy
- gorge
- graph
- good
- gigmo
- gleam
- glitch
- gasket
- gesture
- geriatrician
- grenade
- gut
- gripe
- googly
- grate
- grouse
- gremlin
- gazelle
- glasses
- gym
- gutted
- gobble
- grip
- graving
- grave
- gofer
- guilty
- ghost
- greengrocer
- gossip
- girdle
- ginger
- gargoyle
- gurgling
- gula
- gun
- glycerin
- growl
- gel
- giggle
- gruesome
- goofiness
- gunpowder
- gonad
- garbage
- grout
- grub
- geological
- gibberish
- grid
- glow
- galaxy
- germicide
- gajsj
- gurney
- grey
- gravamen
- gatekeeper
- gape
- gout
- geniall
- genial
- gargle
- grovel
- gallblader
- gallbladder
- godson
- gliding
- glide
- grounded
- guyed
- guided
- gibbous
- gator
- genic
- gutter
- glottology
- glove
- guard
- glaucoma
- gratitude
- guardian
- graceless
- gob
- guts
- glass
- glibness
- grumpy
- griddle
- goddess
- goon
- goddaughter
- grimace
- gazebo
- granite
- grieving
- gladly
- grill
- grinding
- grind
- galoot
- geometric
- gusto
- gerund
- gauged
- graved
- graphicness
- gadfly
- grandchild
- grandma
- genocide
- guess
- grandson
- gauntlet
- geography
- great
- gourd
- girl
- gatehouse
- governing
- generic
- grater
- gather
- gap
- guilelessness
- gita
- gloat
- gift
- greenhouse
- goy
- gentile
- gram
- glean
- gether
- gouge
- god
- gross
- gullible
- glycyrhiza
- glycyrrhiza
- glory
- gang
- grape
- gee
- general
- gateway
- governess
- goiter