The list of the recently translationed terms from English to Polish can be found below. Click a word to see how it translates to Polish.
Dictionary - f -
- ferret
- freeboard
- frumpy
- fart
- final
- fixated
- films
- fruit
- flywheel
- fun
- furcation
- forefoot
- flashy
- fervid
- formative
- fronting
- femur
- fibrocartilage
- footle
- filament
- flexion
- follicular
- fusspot
- frustration
- foldables
- foldable
- flow
- flabby
- faulty
- fraternity
- flabbergasted
- falconer
- falcon
- framer
- fanciful
- fortuity
- fistula
- fryer
- feldspar
- footrace
- funny
- fondle
- father
- frictionless
- foreshore
- fulcrum
- fiefdom
- fax
- firelit
- ferment
- funky
- frankincense
- frozenness
- fleas
- fugue
- formaldehyde
- follicle
- fulguration
- froggy
- frog
- fringe
- flock
- following
- fateful
- flagrant
- fleeting
- forensic
- fluke
- faineant
- forlornly
- folio
- fatherless
- fritter
- flatcar
- foreseer
- flibbertigibbet
- fornicate
- falsetto
- fantail
- farrow
- farro
- fettuccine
- footpad
- friary
- fucking
- fabricator
- from
- flag
- finesse
- foment
- fragrances
- flapper
- fretting
- fulmar
- fussiness
- fissile
- fireguard
- frond
- fenestrated
- farina
- filter
- fossilization
- fanatically
- floaty
- foreignness
- firefly
- free
- forcemeat
- flagellation
- faery
- flaunter
- footrest
- flawed
- fellowship
- fumarole
- foregut
- fountain
- fascilitator
- facilitator
- focus
- finally
- funniness
- flop
- freaky
- fleece
- firehouse
- fuchsia
- fretted
- folkways
- fink
- furring
- fluctuant
- fireworks
- frostbite
- fag
- fussy
- friends
- folks
- friend
- farrowed
- fluorescence
- foil
- fajans
- foolish
- flake
- fairway
- fair
- footing