The list of the recently translationed terms from English to Romanian can be found below. Click a word to see how it translates to Romanian.
Dictionary - l -
- locker
- lumped
- limb
- lowlife
- lock
- lace
- leather
- love
- locution
- lupine
- loop
- linseed
- languish
- lily
- leapfrog
- lintel
- lurching
- lozenge
- leeway
- lancer
- loquat
- lag
- lattice
- linger
- lance
- luxuriousness
- lobby
- loyal
- lollipop
- liabilities
- lad
- lass
- lark
- likeness
- liar
- leaver
- lightheadedness
- lynx
- lackluster
- leatherworker
- lifetime
- lei
- laughter
- loon
- lilt
- leprechaun
- lumbering
- lop
- lowly
- lord
- lately
- lowlands
- lubricity
- launch
- label
- lover
- legs
- lamentation
- lupus
- lazy
- likewise
- legibly
- lid
- leash
- lady
- liege
- lodge
- leverage
- lunge
- lighthouse
- lopper
- llama
- leads
- legalist
- loitering
- leader
- ladybug
- leasehold
- location
- legit
- linen
- lifted
- lever
- limbic
- loudmouth
- legendary
- liberator
- logorrhea
- logorea
- loach
- leaching
- loom
- leathery
- lion
- lobster
- lime
- loser
- lamia
- litigation
- lovemaking
- lungs
- laguna
- lilac
- leinght
- lenght
- lovage