The list of the recently translationed terms from English to Spanish can be found below. Click a word to see how it translates to Spanish.
Dictionary - a -
- arcing
- accordance
- attrition
- acts
- ambrosia
- arcane
- albularyo
- acaricide
- alone
- asshole
- agreeability
- aping
- ashrams
- approachability
- arcade
- age
- anchor
- apartness
- anão
- attitude
- adorable
- awsome
- assumptively
- assumptive
- arioso
- almost
- awesomeness
- apron
- awe
- arrives
- adenoidectomy
- actual
- anvil
- abstract
- a
- auspicate
- arboretum
- apricot
- arsenal
- averment
- adroit
- avoiding
- acoustician
- axiology
- aesthetic
- amity
- anfractuosity
- acucareira
- aeroballistics
- amain
- archangelic
- anfractuous
- abot
- admirable
- ambiguity
- atonement
- amylase
- antacid
- august
- ape
- ambot
- arrow
- atm
- alligator
- ass
- asa
- and
- azurite
- amen
- ambry
- ampersand
- again
- allowed
- appetizers