The list of the recently translationed terms from English to Spanish can be found below. Click a word to see how it translates to Spanish.
Dictionary - p -
- pill
- penis
- packing
- prophetlike
- present
- pylorus
- pot
- plastic
- perseverante
- polyphagia
- placket
- panther
- pivotal
- pervious
- porous
- pimp
- panicle
- preemie
- patchwork
- popinjay
- pourboire
- polarity
- punisher
- pointlessness
- priapism
- prosper
- puffball
- panhandling
- psychics
- prancer
- proprietor
- provoker
- peper
- plis
- pedagogy
- pudenda
- preparative
- precinct
- purpose
- peelling
- physical
- porn
- poppy
- puffery
- pixie
- plum