The list of the recently translationed terms from English to Spanish can be found below. Click a word to see how it translates to Spanish.
Dictionary - w -
- wheedler
- windburn
- woodchuck
- wisdom
- wolf
- wainscot
- what
- wot
- whirler
- whilom
- woodwinds
- wobbling
- wonderland
- wool
- web
- worldling
- wild
- woman
- whale
- wound
- wind
- withdraw
- withhold
- withstand
- wetted
- wring
- weave
- wit
- welkin
- whitecaps
- whore
- weasand
- whoremonger
- warrior
- wailful
- weekend
- wispy
- whelm
- wobbler
- wheat
- wisp
- windrow
- watercloset
- welthongerleit
- weeks
- wanderer
- welcome
- would
- where
- wear
- watercress
- whining
- wildflower
- worm
- wolfishness
- wifey