The list of the recently translationed terms from English to Turkish can be found below. Click a word to see how it translates to Turkish.
Dictionary - a -
- also
- attar
- authority
- anguish
- appellant
- ascertain
- antagonist
- amen
- anion
- annex
- aversion
- atrophy
- adobe
- anchor
- arrangement
- ageless
- anesthetic
- asceticism
- adrenal
- asshole
- asbestos
- almost
- anesthesiologist
- apple
- acne
- ambrosia
- almond
- antacid
- appease
- adzuki
- artischoke
- artichoke
- atoms
- aventurine
- azerbaijan
- annuity
- adroit
- apologist
- alert
- asperges
- accretion
- amends
- aroma
- atman
- agitator
- ague
- anomie
- asepsis
- adventist
- ajockalypse
- agony
- austerity
- arpeggio
- acile
- angel
- abed
- audiology
- auntie
- appreciate
- attitude
- admission
- adventure
- airline
- art
- attraction
- auto
- agency
- area