The list of the recently translationed terms from English to Turkish can be found below. Click a word to see how it translates to Turkish.
Dictionary - f -
- food
- firn
- fern
- fanlight
- flung
- flower
- fingering
- frustrated
- flavorsome
- frostbite
- fade
- fussy
- formaldehyde
- frazzled
- fur
- fibrous
- fidget
- fucking
- foliation
- frequenter
- frogskin
- flare
- fuming
- fuckup
- fringe
- fury
- fusible
- flirty
- fairy
- farmer
- friend
- frill
- fraught
- fennel
- fright
- fashion
- frottage
- frankincense
- fondle
- fulgurate
- fluoresce
- faithless
- float
- fireworks
- falsetto
- fraustrated
- flushness
- february
- five
- forklift
- footrest
- foghorn
- fool
- flaxseeds
- flaxseed