The list of the recently translationed terms from English to Turkish can be found below. Click a word to see how it translates to Turkish.
Dictionary - g -
- girl
- gouge
- grand
- gangster
- gesture
- grape
- grumble
- grandsire
- gay
- grim
- grumpy
- grommet
- gully
- god
- grit
- guava
- gaunt
- growler
- gracious
- generous
- gum
- grouse
- genie
- gula
- groupie
- gimmick
- glace
- glockenspiel
- giftware
- geek
- glazing
- gentile
- godson
- goodbye
- galling
- greed
- ghee
- gusset
- goodwife
- günay
- goose
- gypsum
- grafter
- grove
- gut
- genocide
- gorge
- glister
- glaze
- glisten
- glimmer
- goy
- glass
- good
- generalize
- graceful
- genial
- grater
- grudge
- geezer
- groundhog
- golem
- gunslinger
- geld
- gold
- gout
- grandma
- gatekeeper
- glycerin
- groats
- goddaughter