The list of the recently translationed terms from French to English can be found below. Click a word to see how it translates to English.
Dictionary - a -
- agneau
- acheminer
- annule
- actualiser
- aiment
- adorons
- affecter
- actuaelement
- actuele
- actuel
- aboyer
- attemper
- array
- ament
- autres
- autre
- aestival
- aweigh
- arete
- ascertainable
- attestable
- absinthe
- astringent
- adente
- avinte
- adinte
- aquaplaning
- ascender
- ascendez
- aftergrass
- andiron
- argentite
- appel
- anapest
- approver
- aptitude
- attelle
- aspirator
- autarch
- anon
- arpeggio
- ahch
- anacrusis
- ajouter
- askari