The list of the recently translationed terms from French to English can be found below. Click a word to see how it translates to English.
Dictionary - p -
- peché
- persevere
- pret
- porter
- pour
- partagent
- pense
- puissant
- page
- phlebotomy
- pays
- parlando
- parle
- perplex
- phycology
- prendre
- picayune
- propagative
- pictograph
- pipe
- precentor
- pendant
- pabulum
- poisoner
- probity
- pemmican
- pemican
- proser
- pacifiste
- patchily
- pullet
- provender
- procrastinative
- phlegmy
- plein
- prancer
- poulain
- pouliche
- palaver
- prayerful
- peint
- portagerie
- portage
- porteragerie
- partir