The list of the recently translationed terms from Hindi to English can be found below. Click a word to see how it translates to English.
Dictionary - s -
- speaking
- sunder
- sale
- sauf
- sa
- sticker
- sahyogy
- subtend
- shodhaniy
- shiksa
- shopkeepers
- synchronously
- snot
- sodomist
- savant
- swarthy
- shortage
- sun
- sonu
- sufferer
- spike
- sooji
- shepherd
- sadak
- shaant
- shubdkosh
- spritz
- spriz
- statistic
- simulator
- salesperson
- samay
- smirk
- shogun
- seductress
- shelf
- sortilege
- sag
- sunny
- sararati
- sonny
- sexism
- sonar
- sonare
- sanwara
- stroganoff
- sass
- smarty
- stapedotomy
- soph
- scanner
- synergism
- swan
- shashank
- saucy
- sanvad
- sahib
- serial
- soochna
- sambo
- sepoy
- sexist
- song
- soft
- sharvan
- sath
- sex